Why is Sleep Important?

Your body like a factory that performs a number of important functions, and as you sleep, your body works the night-shift to recharge.

Scroll down to learn more about sleep benefits, recommendations and our top sleep tips.

How much sleep do you need?

What’s considered to be a healthy night’s sleep varies by age.


7-9 hours


8-10 hours

School-aged children

9-11 hours

Preschool-aged children

11-13 hours

What are the benefits of sleep?

Sleeping allows your body to be healthy by:

Tips to help you get a more restful night’s sleep

It’s more than just getting to bed at a good time.


Schedule Time to Sleep

Once you know what time you need to get to bed, plan the rest of your schedule around it.


Create Consistent Sleeping Habits

Abide by a pre-sleep reschedule. Over time, your body will become accustomed to waking up and going to sleep at the same time each day.


Create a Comfortable Environment for Sleep

Make sure your bedroom is cool, quiet and comfortable – especially your bed and pillow.


Turn Devices off Before Bed

Watching television, emailing and texting stimulates increased brain activity rather than relaxing your mind in preparation for sleep. Your mind and body needs time to unplug.

Fun Sleep Facts

Adults sleep less than they should

Research shows 75% of adults sleep less than the minimum 7 hours recommended by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

Women sleep longer than men

Men sleep for an average of 5 hours, 46 minutes, while women average 6 hours, 11 minutes.

Exercise is good for sleep

Any exercise amount is helpful, but the optimal amount is 30 minutes, which leads to 14 minutes of extra sleep per night.

Caffeine consumption

3 or fewer cups of coffee doesn't notably affect sleep time, but 4 cups or more leads to 26 fewer minutes of sleep. Energy drinks also negatively affect sleep time.

Keep Exploring

What causes snoring?

Learn about the surprising causes of snoring and CPAP therapy as an effective snoring treatment option.

What is sleep apnea?

Find out the causes and symptoms of sleep apnea and how you can treat your sleep apnea.

Do I have sleep apnea?

Take our free sleep quiz today and find out if you might be at risk for sleep apnea in just 60 seconds.